Net Meter is a utility billing device available for you after installation. For our customers we can happily assist you in applying for one with your energy retailer, free of charge! For those who’d rather apply for themselves or other solar system owners, we have listed below a guide to applying for net meter with most retailers in NSW. At Aussie Hybrid Solar we can help you in applying for no added costs and as an additional free aftercare service.
AGL: (Form/ requirements subject to change from time to time without notice)
To apply for net meter with AGL you must fill in and email the following information to the email address
Customer Name:
Contact Number:
NMI: *
Electrician Name:
Licence Number:
Contact Number:
*NMI is the national meter identifier and can be found in your electricity bill.
Energy Australia: (Form/ requirements subject to change from time to time without notice, form below is for 2019)
To apply for net meter with Energy Australia you must fill in and email the attached form to

You can download the form from:
Red Energy: (Form/ requirements subject to change from time to time with)
Red energy requires its customers to attach the following documents and have it emailed it to
– Permission To Connect (PTC) Letter
– Certificate of Compliance Electrical Work (CCEW) Form
– Switchboard Photo
Origin: (Form/ requirements subject to change from time to time without notice, form below is for 2019)
To apply for net meter with origin the “application to change or remove an electricity supply “ form needs to be filled and emailed to

You can download the form from :
Dodo: (Form/ requirements subject to change from time to time without notice)
To apply for net meter with Dodo simply attach your CCEW into an email and send to
In all the emails sent to the energy providers include the following;
- Write in the subject “Net Meter Application -” followed by your address
- You state in the email that the information/form attached is for net meter application
- State that the email is to process net meter installation
- Correct address, Name, national meterver you ar identifier (NMI) and details regarding property submitted
We hope this blog post is a useful guide to get in your net meter and connecting your system successfully to the grid.